Wednesday, December 12, 2012


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This is part 2 of my spiritual journey. Check part 1 here.

Even though I did not have the most solid religious foundation, I was always very interested. I read books like Theo's Voyage to get a broader glimpse. I remember sporadically attending church with my ant and uncle and loving it. My grandma taught me how to pray at night and I would always recite it:

Gentle Jesus
Meek and mild
Look upon a little child
God bless mommy, and daddy
and (then I would add a list of everyone I could think of)

When I went to grad school, as I looked for volunteering opportunities, I stumbled upon an ESL program at a local church. I felt prompted to find out a bit more, signed up as a co-teacher for a class and started attending services on Sundays as well. 

I liked the church, the ESL staff, the students, the service, everything. I was all....nice. But after a whole term there, the feeling stayed the same. I did not feel closer to God. Not one person ever came to talk to me before or after services. I didn't feel a part of it. Maybe it was because I was under 75 years old, which placed me in a very low demographic, but after a while, you kind of get fed up. At least I did. I wanted more.

My brother used to attend an evangelical Brazilian church in Roswell. One day, he asked me if he could come with me to my church. I was just so happy not to sit by myself for once. He was quiet the whole time, and when we left, I asked him how he liked it.

I didn't feel God's presence was all he said. I knew he was right.

Check back tomorrow for Part 3.