Sunday, October 7, 2012

31 days: on holy friendships

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I am joining the Nester plus quite a few other bloggers in a 31 day writing challenge. You can write about whatever you want, and I choose to write on the search for a Spirit-led life. Join me, won't you?

To start reading from the beginning, and for links for all days, click here.

On holy friendships
I have a lot of friends and family who do not share my beliefs. I think that is wonderful. I am sure God uses everyone in their circles, and there is very little that can compare to a close family member or a life-long friend. However, today I'd like to talk about holy friendships.
I believe holy friendships are those that make us grow closer to God. Those people who know more than we do on some walks with God, and less on others, and are willing to share and to take our advice as well. Those who understand who Jesus is and how the Holy Spirit works and help us keep going when the world around us agrees we should throw in the towel. Those who pray for you, not for the good things to come, but for God's will to be done in your life.
I've been blessed to have these sorts of friendships ever since I became a Christian. They helped me grow. They taught be valuable things. They built up permanent residence in my heart. There is something so special about sharing your beliefs with someone. They get you.  
For a while, I was out of a church, and I told myself that wasn't a problem. I could download my former pastor's sermons. I could keep reading. I could pray alone. And I didn't need a group of people. Boy, was I wrong.
Every time we attend something with our church friends, whether it is an intimate dinner with two other couples or a Sunday Bible school session, I feel refreshed. These are my people.  I feel we could bring change for God's glory and we could make the world a better place. I sense a relief for being myself and allowing the vulnerability to flow out. I reflect on how nice it would be to spend the rest of my life focusing on these friendships, instead of the friends who are always complaining or fighting with someone else.
These are my people. And I am so incredibly blessed to be one of them.