It seems like this week will be one of those weeks. You know the ones. When Sunday comes and you already feel tired for the upcoming days. When the weekend is full of joy, loved ones and anticipation, but lacks in any rest. When Monday hits you in the face with crying toddlers, missing coworkers and stressed out bosses. So yeah, that's how my last few couple of days have been. But how are you?
In the midst of all this, I am reminded of one thing. To rejoice.
And I was reminded about my little 2013 word. You know the one. Wholeheartedly.
Because at the end of the day, it's easy to be wholehearted when things go well. It is easy to plan, execute and check off what you enjoy and what goes your way. Not so much when you wake up to find there is no running water in your house and you have a medical semi-crisis in your hands.
But, as in with everything else, it's all good. It always is.