I am a superficial praiser.
There, I said it.
When things are going well, I am all about praising Jesus in public. When Hillsong comes out on my Ipod, there is no traffic that can damper my mood and stop me from singing. When I get a chorus stuck in my head I will chant it over and over again, for hours Our God, is an awesome God, He reigns, from Heaven above with wisdom, power and love, our God is an awesome God.
But when things don't go well....
When I forget to turn on the radio...
When I am just *too busy*....
I grow silent. I let the silence consume me. And silence doesn't stay alone for long. Soon, worry comes. Fear comes. Anxiety comes. And the more they take over my mind and my heart, the further I drift from praising.
The other day, my Message Remix: Solo devotional included singing and dancing a worship song to God. As I sat alone in my living room at 6am, while my husband slept upstairs, my first thoughts were you have got to be kidding me.
Just like that. It actually scared me, how much praise had gone down in my priority list. The guilt came and the do I really have to questioning began. Couldn't I just read, think, pray and live today's devotional skipping that part?
I am sure I could. But seeing my Ipod, which was always with my husband, on the kitchen counter made me compromise. So I chose an upbeat song and started singing to this song. Turns out I cannot just sing to it, and pretty soon, I was accompanied by my dogs who surely thought I was crazy in dancing and jumping on the living room floor.
And you know what? It felt good.