Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Book Review: Empty Promises

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I recently read Pete Wilson's Empty Promises book. I found out about it through Lysa Terkeurst's blog, in which she shared a video where she interviewed him about the book. I promptly hopped onto amazon to dowload the thing.

The premisse of the book is quite simple: we always think that if only we had more money, a better job, nicer looks, and such, we'd be happy. But would we really?

The reason I wanted to read the book immediately is because I struggle with this. Don't get me wrong, I love to see my friends and family prosper, but as any human being (or is just me?) part of me feel a tab bit jealous. And another part feels totally jealous and starts rationalizing why they don't deserve it, or at the least, why I do too. Aweful isn't it?

Besides the normal things people want, Pete also touches on something that touched me deeply: dreams. He talks about how some of us gets so attached to our dreams, that even if they are good ones, and our lives are good ones, if the dreams differ from reality we tend to resent our lives. At least I did.

For any non-Christians out there (Pete is a pastor), the book is good because it talks about the denial we get ourselves into in a very matter-of-fact way. For all the Christians out there, he talks about how all these things become our idols, which is just plain bad because they can't give us what only God can.

It was an easy read, quite funny in certain parts, and very touching. I recommend it!