Thursday, August 30, 2012

Grateful Thursday

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When you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things. Psalm 104:28

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Craftgawker love

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I love anything related to house, decor, crafts, food, and pretty things. And since we are saving money, I need me some fresh and cheap inexpensive ideas to make my humble abode a bit brighter and fun.

One of my main inspirations lately has been Craftgawker. First, I love the format. It's like a Pinterest without the make-me-feel-bad pictures of 15 year olds working out or tons of pictures of chicken recipes that make me sad for the little birds.

 And the best thing about it is the constant source of stuff. Check out some of my fave projects just from this week:

Legos join the terrarium fun. Why didn't I think of that?
Hardwood floors are officially boring in my book from now on.
A wreath out of old book pages. Whaaaa???

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On emptying my Bloglovin' roll

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When I discovered the wonders of the world of blogging, I couldn't believe how I had lived without them before. All those blogs with organizing tips, decor inspirations and lesson plan ideas all looked so interesting, so perfect, so needed.

After a while I started to understand that I don't need to read all posts from my favorite blogs. I was actually proud of myself when I realised I could unfollow a blog I first thought was great but now found it a bit hu-hum.

For a while now I've had a busy week (or month or two) and I hadn't been able to keep up with my Bloglovin' roll. I kept seeing it climb from 36 to 257 to 812 to 1981 unread posts. Part of me itched to click Mark all as 'read' , but part of me thought I couldn't do it.

So I compromised. I actually read though some of my favorite blogs, such as Lysa's, Megan's, Katrin's, Ruthie's, Natalia's and Alesha's. The rest solemly got marked as read. And you know what? It felt good!

I'm slowly letting go of the need to read things and learn things that might be useful someday. Focusing on the now. Reading (even when it comes to blogs) stricktly for pleasure.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday confessions

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A few of the blogs I follow have a Sunday Confessions link-up. I personally quite like the idea of it, but refuse to blog on Sunday. Sundays are my church and husband day. I am old school like that.

So you know what? I am making my own dream come true (how dramatic!) and having my own Friday confessions today!

1- I am a judgy McJudgerson person. I have been working on it forever, but the truth is, the first thing that comes to my mind is judgemental in 99% of the cases. Obviously, I tend to keep that to myself, and try to tell myself that's not WJWD (haha, get it?), but if you do something stupid in front of me chances are I will judge you. I am sorry.

Found on Pinterest

2- I am mildly obsessed with reality TV and competition shows. I actually know it's not good for me, because I don't really get anything out of it, but part of me itches when I see a Kardashian, Top Chef, or Project Runway clip. No matter if I've already seen said episode and know exactly what will happen. That's the main reason why I avoid TV, but every so often I let myself indulge in a couple of episodes.

Remember him? In one word: scary (I told you I judged!)

3- I love naps, and I think we should embrace the cultures which opt for a siesta. People would be less cranky and more productive. Plus, people wouldn't pretend they don't nap because they think it's childish. You answer your phone at 4pm on a Saturday with a groggy voice? Just come out and say it, don't pretend you have a sore throat.

4- I am a member of Curves and I love it. They have this new program (at least here in Brazil), which includes a really cool dance training called Sh'Bam. If you think Curves are for old fat people, I dare you to live through one of their cardio trainings without panting.

5- I think someecards have some of the funniest things out there nowadays. And most of the ones I find funny have some bad language, but it's oh, so fitting.

Have a great Friday everyone!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Well, hello there...

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Remember me? I've been M.I.A for a whole week, I am aware. It all started with me being sick, then having to cover people at work and all of a sudden realizing I was so behind on my household chores I literally had to choose between doing laundry and therefore having cleans socks, or scrubbing my bathroom. Gross.

Quickly, one day turned into three, to five, to a whole week with no blog. And you know what? It was the best thing that could have happened to me. Honestly.

When I began this blogging adventure, I figured I had to dive it. I've always taken everything I do very seriously, so my posts would run daily (except for Sundays) and I would kill myself and ignore my husband, but guarantee something interesting was programmed to post.  Why? Because I thought people would think less of me if I was an occasional blogger. How ridiculous is that?

The more I think about, the more I realize how this blog stopped being something that made me happy and began to show its colors as one more chore. Although I love reading people's personal blogs and have no problems in reading about Katrin's grumpy mood or Ruthy's pregnancy, I had a problem posting about me often. So my blog had to be about something. It had to fit into a box. The educator box. The vegetarian box. The housekeeper box.

Today I am throwing all boxes away. From now on, I write about what I want to write. And when I want to write. You are welcome to stick around and see it shape into something a bit more free and a bit more me from now on.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Peek Inside My Journal

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For a while now I've had a secret friend on the blogging world. She is so secret, she doesn't even know I exist! But the truth is, every time I hop onto Blessed to Be a Blessing, I feel I am reading words from a long lost friend.

Alesha is the sweetest. I could totally see her in my church, as a buddy in my Sunday Bible Study class or as a volunteer in the children's ministry by my side. The stuff she writes makes my heart connect to her in a way that just shows me how much the internet can be used for good and can connect sisters in Christ.

Out of all her posts, my favorites are definetely Tuesdays. Tuesdays are PIMJ days, as in Peek inside my journal days. How brave is that? Well, I figured, if she is able to open her heart like that, I could do the same, and hopefully bless someone else in the meantime.

A couple of weeks ago our Pastor, Paulo Andrade gave us an assignment. He casually mentioned it would be lovely to write our own Psalms, so we could read them after a couple of years and see how much God did for us. Being the good pupil I am, I promptly wrote in all caps in my notepad WRITE PSALMS. A couple of days later, I really did feel like David crying out to God, and wrote my first one.

It was actually too personal for the web, so it's between God and I. But I've been working on them, and this one I'll share:

You alone knows all I need
And how to comfort my heart
When it demands too much
And expects things too fast

As I am about to lose hope
As I am about to give up
Only You, Oh Lord
Steps in and rescues me

You teach me to be still
And to live steady as it goes
Teaching me to trust You
A little more each day

All I ask is that You remain
My most precious treasure
Removing all that keeps me from You
And bringing in only what shall add to Your Glory

Have a blessed day, everyone!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Meat Free Monday: Bok Choy

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Ever since I bought Alicia Silverstone's The Kind Diet, I've been on the lookout for Bok Choy. She features it in quite a few recipes, and although I always looked for it, I could never find it in my local food shops.

I was quite happy when I found a small Japanese supermarket around. It actually features more of the processes junk food you can find in Japan, but in a small fridge I found it among some produce.

It has a lovely taste, a bit on the bitter side, but nothing as bitter as radicchio. My favorite version of it was in a salad with lots of tomatoes, carrots and a tahine based sauce. I recommend it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Here

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Today we are joining The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday. Here is what she has to say about it:

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.
We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to run when we were kids.
On Fridays we write with gusto, unselfconscious and flat out.
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking
2. Link back here ( and @
Gypsy Mama) and invite others to join in.
3. Please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments.
OK, are you ready? Give me your best five minutes on: HERE

Multi-tasking. It sounds so fancy and makes me feel great about accomplishing 5 things at once. I get all excited to be able to answer an email, think about a lesson plan, eat a cereal bar and talk on the phone all at once. I can do it all.

The problem is, all that I do is half-hearted. I don't really hear what my husband is saying on the other side of the line. I don't really focus on how to word my sentences carefully. I don't take in the nourishment for my body.

It's worst when people are talking to me. I nod along and I smile, but am I really giving that person my undivided attention? The answer is clearly no.

Maybe that is why every second of my alone times with God are a struggle. Errands run through my head as I worship. Unsaid sentences pop in when I am in prayer. Feelinngs about something I can no longer change creep up while I read the word. And the tears come, asking to learn to be still. To be here, and trully here.  

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Grateful Thursday: Week 7

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Thursdays are thankful days over here.
Read on and share what you are grateful for today!


♥ carpooling with the hubby  ♥ finding a new and yummy dish ♥   working hard and getting lots of things done ♥  great books which makes us a better person ♥  spoiling my husband ♥ colorful inspiration ♥

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Book Review: Empty Promises

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I recently read Pete Wilson's Empty Promises book. I found out about it through Lysa Terkeurst's blog, in which she shared a video where she interviewed him about the book. I promptly hopped onto amazon to dowload the thing.

The premisse of the book is quite simple: we always think that if only we had more money, a better job, nicer looks, and such, we'd be happy. But would we really?

The reason I wanted to read the book immediately is because I struggle with this. Don't get me wrong, I love to see my friends and family prosper, but as any human being (or is just me?) part of me feel a tab bit jealous. And another part feels totally jealous and starts rationalizing why they don't deserve it, or at the least, why I do too. Aweful isn't it?

Besides the normal things people want, Pete also touches on something that touched me deeply: dreams. He talks about how some of us gets so attached to our dreams, that even if they are good ones, and our lives are good ones, if the dreams differ from reality we tend to resent our lives. At least I did.

For any non-Christians out there (Pete is a pastor), the book is good because it talks about the denial we get ourselves into in a very matter-of-fact way. For all the Christians out there, he talks about how all these things become our idols, which is just plain bad because they can't give us what only God can.

It was an easy read, quite funny in certain parts, and very touching. I recommend it!