Thursday, December 20, 2012

Coming home

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This is part 8 of my spiritual journey, and it is the last one, for now. Start reading here.

I did some research and stumbled upon the church we now call home. It is completely different in many aspects. It's firmer. It's focused on the bible and gives little space for anything that is not biblical. It's baptist, which I always thought was a synonym for 'backwards'. And I love it. I love it all. 

I love the focus on Jesus, and only on Jesus. I love the people. I love the events. I love that we get to be a family. I love the Bible studies. I love the preaching. And my husband loves it too, which is the most important thing. It's not perfect, but it is home. 

I had to go through an adaptation period. I found out my snobbish behavior was due to embarrassment, because I always read, prayed and worshiped in English. Listening to You are holy in Portuguese and being unable to sing anything other than Michael W. Smith's version can be a bit embarrassing during worship. Having to translate Bible verses to make my point makes me sound inarticulate. But I am getting used to it.

For the first time, I started reading my Portuguese Bible. I started talking about my faith. I started listening to awesome Brazilian Christian scholars, reading Brazilian Christian writers and opening up for fellowship with amazing Brazilian Christians.

What's next? I am not sure. But I do know Jesus takes the mainstage in my life, so I don't worry much about it anyway.