Saturday, November 24, 2012

Weekend links

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I cannot tell y'all how much I love having internet at home. I am not a big fan of plopping myself in front of a computer screen at home, especially because I spend most of my day in front of one at work. I do, however, love the fact I can go through my bloglovin' roll every night and read some awesomeness that is out there.

Source - I loved her Service advent calendar!

Saved sister wrote about Eve, and I must tell you, it changed the way I look at her. No more of that oh, you know I'd have known better stuff going through my mind!

Although I went back to eating meat sporadically lately, I really appreciate simple Bite's post on welcoming vegetarians to the holiday table. I know what it's like to be left with all sorts of side dishes, and although it sounds ok, it gets old after a couple of dinner dates. 

Edie over @ Life in Grace wrote about poverty in a week of abundance. I was nodding along as I read the whole thing. Can I get an Amen, sisters?

Joshua M. Hood wrote a letter to stay-at-home moms. Even though I am not (yet) a stay at home mom, I loved it. Thanks for doing that, Joshua! I agree 100% and that is the main reason why I know I won't be able to give anything but my all to motherhood.

David Mathis wrote about The True Story of Thanksgiving over @ Desiring God. His points are wonderful! It's a long post, but a very good one!

Have a blessed weekend, filled with turkey leftovers!
