Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Medicine cabinet

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I live in a small house, and a medicine cabinet is a luxury I cannot afford. For that reason, I have two medicine boxes that are always very well organized, to both avoid stress when something is needed (and needed quickly) and to avoid waste of space.  

When I moved in with my husband I got a beautiful hand-painted box from my aunt. The problem is I was often running out of space and most days the box was a mess because it simply could not fit everything I had, so I changed systems.

One day, organizing my sewing kit I realized this box was perfect for keeping pills, as long as I cut the packaging in small pieces. I labeled each nook in Portuguese according to what the medicine does (as in allergies, muscle pain, and so forth) so in an emergency anyone else may find what they need.

I got this box as a birthday presente from my brother, from a store in Brazil I love. Here I keep my first aid kit, oitments and the information on all items for eventual consultations.

Regardless of how organized the rest of your house is, I strongly suggest an organized and updated medicine box or cabinet, so you don’t need to run to the drugstore when you desperately need something.